The Power of Belief, Part Two: How to Rewire Your Mind Using Decisions

The Power of Belief, Part Two_ How to Rewire Your Mind for Belief Using Decisions
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Using Power Words to Believe

“Power words” are a category of words I’ve put together that help to infuse our thoughts and minds with power, which is necessary to act.

Using power words in our thoughts and minds is the necessary first step in believing and taking back your personal power.

And acting, and acting effectively in pursuit of your goals, stems from belief.

If you want to rewire your mind for belief, using power words when you affirm good things about yourself will go a long way toward making those affirmations real and making them stick.

“Decide” is indeed a power word if there ever was one.

The fact is, you are only able to “decide” if you have power.

Without power, you have no ability to decide.

So the moment you “decide” to do anything, you imbue yourself with power.

When you say you “decide”, you tell your mind, your thoughts, your subconscious, that you are the one in control. The decision has been made and the decision is yours.

That will persuade your mind to believe, more so than an affirmation without a so-called power word might.

Your actions can then follow suit, riding the coattails of that belief.

Power words are a supercharger.

Your Internal Language is Key

To take back your power to decide the path of your life, who you are going to be, and to believe in yourself, you must start with your language. And that means starting with your “internal” language.

Your thoughts.

And your thoughts program your belief.

That is what we are focused on. Reclaiming and rewiring our thoughts to believe in our success, joy, and prosperity. That that is who we are and what we are able to experience and share with others.

But first you must decide.

Once you decide, you begin retraining your mind to be powerful, to believe.

You begin to pull your mind out of the old, negative grooves it had formed over the previous years and begin to create new grooves of positivity and belief. Then, once in your new grooves, your positive growth can compound over time.

“Deciding” is the first step.

It is the beginning of the rewiring of our minds to believe that which is good about ourselves, to take back power from limiting beliefs, and then prosper ourselves and those around us like never before.

Deciding is One Method to Rewire Our Thoughts

Your thoughts are in a pattern, a groove, developed over the course of your life.

And if you haven’t been actively choosing them positively for yourself all these years, you may find your thoughts are not wired to your best benefit.

For most of us, there is some work to do.

Okay, all of us.

The good news is, changing the pattern and tone of your thoughts is not only doable, it is exciting and a joy to partake in, and yields life-changing results.

So there is no reason to feel it is daunting.

Here are a few “decision affirmations” you can make to get started and get yourself inspired to do more. Start by affirming these things, either out loud or in your mind, and get yourself going:

I decide to be strong.

I decided to be confident.

I decide to be successful.

I decide to be loving.

…and you can go forward from there.

Remember, without a power word like “decide” that actively engages your affirmation with power, persuading your mind to believe it, you may not find it as effective. At least not at first.

Adding power to your affirmation will help you feel it and persuade you to believe it, so be sure to use a power word.

And now that we’ve covered the power word “decide”, let’s take a look at another one which just so happens to be my personal favorite.


Gratitude is one of my favorite mindset techniques to rewire your mind for belief. It is the very first one I employed where I discovered the ability of power words to help persuade my mind to believe.

Gratitude has been so effective for me that I created a prompted daily gratitude journal with an introduction I composed.

It is my first, and so far only, published work and I truly appreciate you taking a look at it, if you are interested of course.

A link to learn more and to purchase it is below.

Then, stay tuned for part three in this series as we dig deeper into using gratitude to rewire our minds to believe that we can have the most success, the most prosperity, and that we can become our best selves possible!

It requires belief, and deciding and gratitude are two ways that can help you get there faster!

Power Words – NOW AVAILABLE!

Power Words: The Ultimate Affirmations Guide to Achieve the Ultimate Joy, Success, and Prosperity!

Get it now for only $7.99 (paperback) or just $4.99 (ebook)!

Power Words

Click below and get a copy of my all-new, prompted gratitude journal!

Change your thoughts. Change your outlook. Change your LIFE!

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